jeudi 17 août 2017


Marriage is a divine institution which requires certain conditions of aptitude.
Unbelievers before engaging in marriage, do a number of medical tests to find out if they are genetically compatible, if they can have children, if there are no serious transmissible diseases, etc. . Then they get married or not.
You see even the world teaches us.
This article has two parts, DELIVERANCE and emotional HEALING.

DELIVERANCE: Christian marriage also requires testing. When we accept the Lord Jesus Christ as our only Lord and Savior, He forgives our sins by water baptism (immersion), then purifies us by His word (Biblical teachings), but we must be freed from sin, and from our bad desires that we had when we were in the world, for example debauchery, the word "Debauchery" means: excessive search for sensual pleasures, sexual immorality. (Magazines and pornographic films, masturbation, objects bought in sexes shop, sadomasochism, ect), debauchery it's also drunkenness, addiction to drugs, everything that brings a certain artificial well-being to the man. While debauchery is a sin that closes the door of kingdom of God to the men.
The Bible says: Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. Heb 13v4
Behind debauchery are demonic powers of perversion that hold captive human beings and make them sex slaves, pushing them sometimes to inhumane practices to get pleasure, these people can no longer have normal sexual relations, their exuality is destroyed. A person who has not been delivered from debauchery before entering the marriage, will sully his marital bed, whence deliverance is important, for God does not heareth the sinner, He first frees him and purifies him before giving him a spouse.
There are also the demons of husband of night and wife of night, from whom must be delivered. These are spirits who take human bodies to have sex in dreams with those who are possessed, these demons divide couples, prevent them sometimes having children, etc.
In some families, men or women do not marry because of certain alliances made by their ancestors with demonic powers, or a curse, men and women are beautiful and intelligent but can not marry, or When they marry, their marriage does not last long it always ends up being broken, they multiply divorces.

EMOTIONAL HEALING: The Christian who wants to be married must also be cured of the sufferings and traumas of the past and be restored, for we do not come in the Lord only with demons but also with sometimes very deep wounds that have had influences negative effects on our lives that could also affect marriage.
Some saw their parents tearing themselves apart, the father beating the mother and children, and committing adultery, etc. These people need to be healed, because if they enter into marriage without healing, they will reproduce what they have suffered in one way or another and this will become a serious problem in their couple, that is why some commit adultery, and are aggressive with their spouse and sometimes with their children, others covet all the girls they see while being married.
Others have been sexually abused by one parent and traumatized for life, others are more attached to their parents than to their spouses, and this causes problems in the couple, but the Bible says: For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. Eph 5v31
Others look for a mother or father rather than a husband or wife because they have lacked maternal or paternal affection, so they look for it in their future spouse. A husband or wife can not play two roles at the same time, it is a weight that will be difficult to bear, so let God fill this emotional lack before marrying.
Others have had romantic disappointments in their past and are afraid that it will happen again in their marriage and so, they will seek revenge and will make their spouse pay it consciously or unconsciously and eventually destroy their marriage, because of their past.

2Cor 5v17: Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

Conclusion, to have a marriage in the Lord, you have to be born again, your old nature must die, deliverance and healing are very important to become a new creature, and one must entrust the choice of your futur husban/wife to God and let him prepare you before entering the marriage, do not hurry, for God will prepare your future husband / wife, before put you together and He alone knows who is good for you.

God bless you! Hawa Esther Maiga

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