jeudi 21 avril 2016


A church in which the gifts of the Spirit does not manifest is a dead church.

Here's one reason: When a pastor is jealous, he wants to be the one in whom the gifts of the Spirit are manifested or with anyone he chooses for his collaborators, apart from them, no one else has the right to be used by God, and it is a serious mistake to have such thoughts in the body of Christ.

If I mention this it's because I was myself witness of these things in the local church, I saw leaders treated of demonic their followers, humiliated and rejected them because of gifts of the Spirit of God in their lives, simply because it's neither the pastor nor his staff who spoke in the Name of God, and so there is an elite in some assemblies that reigns over the people.
It is anti-biblical behavior, for the Lord Jesus Himself sent His disciples (the 12 selected and 70 others) work miracles in His name.

Any person who receives the Lord Jesus Christ in his life, receives at least one gift of the Spirit, sometimes the Spirit of God descends upon some people who were not yet baptized in water and these people start speaking in tongues, and prophesy and then are baptized as was the case in the book of Acts, but those who were with the Apostle Peter were amazed to see that the Gentiles (non-Jews) also had received the Spirit of God, because they believed that the Spirit of God was reserved only to the Jews (Israelites), as exists in some assemblies who believe that God will act according to their will, but God's plan is to save all nations and to use whom He wills as He wills.
Acts 10v44-47: While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word. And they of the circumcision which believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost. For they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify God. Then answered Peter, Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we?

I was reading the book of Numbers and the Lord drew my attention on humility and integrity of Moses concerning the gifts of the Holy Spirit , Moses had not a jealous mind and yet he was a man who really met God and who knew Him. So when a young boy came to tell Moses that there were two men in the camp who prophesied, the first person who spoke was Joshua, telling Moses to stop them from prophesying, because according to Joshua, there was only Moses who had the right to prophesy.
This mentality is reflected in some ministries today, but the reaction of Moses was contrary to what Joshua said because Moses knew God's thought. So Moses was the first to prophesy the coming of God's Spirit on all flesh even before the prophet Joel (Joel 2v28-29; Acts 2v15-18).
Here is the response of Moses to Joshua: And Moses said unto him, Enviest thou for my sake? would God that all the LORD's people were prophets, and that the LORD would put his spirit upon them! (read Nomb 11v26-29). 

The apostle Paul also had the same thought as Moses, when he said do not prevent speaking in tongues. Follow after charity and desire spiritual gifts (read 1 Cor 14).

Some pastors really need to be taught and to have a personal encounter with God, for he who does not know God can not understand His plan for humanity, or to love his neighbor, this is why there are so sick churches which operate without the presence of God, it is clear that a church that forbid the gifts of the Spirit to manifest through the believers, that church fighting against the work of God, And therefore can not make disciples of Christ, this is not a church but a club of friends, this is not the Church of Jesus Christ.
That is why those who are stifled by pastors are removed from their assemblies by God to take them in churches where leaders know God.

N.B: a person who preaches well is not necessarily someone who had an encounter with God and who approved by God.

A jealous leader of his followers because of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in their lives, didnt the fruit of the Spirit, because jealousy is a carnal and demonic feeling, he must repent.

God bless you! Hawa Esther Maiga

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