dimanche 6 mars 2016


The Bible tells us that the Spirit of God has given the Church of Jesus-Christ spiritual gifts for the edification of the body of Christ, in these gifts include: DISCERNING OF SPIRITS (1Cor 12v10)
Let us first see what "DISCERNING OF SPIRITS": As its name indicates, this gift is used to detect, recognize, identify a demonic spirit or the Spirit of the Living God.
In God's creation, there is good and evil, angels serving God and angels in the service of Satan, all those angels operate through the human's body, for a spirit hath not flesh nor bones, as the Lord Jesus Christ says in Luke 24v39.

DISCERNING OF SPIRITS: Is a very important gift, I would even say vital for the believer in Jesus Christ, in order not to fall into the traps of the enemy.
As God speaks to us, the enemy also speaks to us, so we need to recognize the voice of God and of Satan to make the right decisions for our ministry and our lives.
The knowledge of the scriptures and the principles of God are a very important help.
DISCERNING OF SPIRITS: manifests itself in different ways, by dreams and VISIONS, and through human.

BY DREAMS AND VISIONS: False visions and false dreams (do not realize) the spirits that appear as Jesus or God, and say things that contradict the Bible and the word of God for your ministry, your marriage, your work and your family
Know one thing, when God give you a promise, the devil hears and comes to seduce you with its promise to turn you away from God's plan, but if you do not have the gift of discerning of spirits, you can easily be diverted. The Devil can also sow division in your ministry by sending in dream the faces of people you know, making them as your enemies, he can also divide your marriage and family, etc. The Bible says that Satan masquerades as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11v14).
The Bible says: They have seen vanity and lying divination, saying, The LORD saith: and the LORD hath not sent them: and they have made others to hope that they would confirm the word. Have ye not seen a vain vision, and have ye not spoken a lying divination, whereas ye say, The LORD saith it; albeit I have not spoken?
Ezekiel 13v6-7.

BY HUMAN: The false prophecies, people through whom the devil speaks, the gift of discerning of spirits allows us to discern the voice of Satan, when someone prophesies in the assembly, or gives words of knowledge, by this gift we can recognize a false prophet, we also knows a person who acts according to flesh.

The gift of discerning of spirits is very important for deliverance of a person possessed by bdemons, for we must discern what demon possesses a person before starting to hunt it.
For example, some make mistakes, instead of chasing the spirit of piton (divination), they will chase the spirit of seduction that is the spirit of the waters, because they see the clothing and hairstyle of a girl, and as the demons know their rights, they will not leave because they do not feel concerned by this deliverance, this is one of reasons why some people are possessed by demons while coming to church, working in the church with a good appearance singing, dancing, making donations to the church, and even preaching on the pulpit, etc.

It's very dangerous to try to make the deliverance of a person without discernment, which is why the apostle Paul says 1 Timothy 5:22: Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men's sins: keep thyself pure.

When the Lord had to going to the cross, the apostle Peter wanted to dissuade him, the Lord's answer was: Get thee behind me, Satan(Matthew 16v23). It was Satan who spoke through Peter.

When the Lord and His disciples had not been received in Samaria, the disciples said: And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did? But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. Luke 9v54-55. The Lord had discerned the spirit of vengeance which was in them, yet the Bible says Vengeance is mine; I will repay, (a Christian who does not forgive and who avenges himself has an evil spirit).

A believer having the gift of discerning spirits is led by the Spirit of God it's the Spirit of God who reveals to him the spirits that inhabit the men, good or bad spirits, so that to avoid evil suspicions against others and to discern the true servant of God and the false one.

God bless you! Esther Hawa Maiga

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