jeudi 20 août 2015

The Christian must be based on Jewish thought?

The Christian must be based on Jewish thought to understand the scriptures?
When a person is under the new covenant, he received God's law (the Ten Commandments) in his heart, so this person does not need to be taught, who is God, because that person has the Spirit of God in him, who reveals him the true God and remember him the law engraved on his heart as the prophet Jeremiah announced (Jer 31v31-34)
God established men in whom His Holy Spirit resides in order to prepare those who want to be saved, to salvation and also receive the law of God in their hearts by the preaching of the cross and faith in Jesus Christ only son of the Living God.
Beloved in the Lord! the faith of the born-again Christian has no Hebrew root as some would have us believe on the net by leading a Judaization campaign, trying to get out the Christian from grace to put them under the law (human traditions and wisdom that Christ and His apostles, rejected), the faith of the born-again Christian is rooted in Jesus Christ alone and in what He taught, and what He taught need not be understood with Jewish thought, but only by God's Spirit.
Pay attention to those who say to you that the scriptures of the Bible should be interpreted with Jewish thought because Jesus was a Jew and His apostles too!
Answer these people that Jesus was a Jew when He was physically on earth, but when He died and was resurrected and ascended into heaven, He again became Spirit, He is able to speak and understand all languages.
Answer these people that at the time of Jesus on earth, the Israelites were speaking in different languages, so they were well able to translate the Hebrew into other languages without losing the sense of the words, the Christians Bible (from Gn to Rev) is well understood by those who are born of the Spirit of God (the true God who does not impose a language to people to be understood).
Beloved, I wanted to write this message because a lot of people claiming to be Jews, believe they know the scriptures more than the Christians, and try to intimidate them, this is how these people have succeeded in diverting a lot of souls by taking them in Judaism, and diverting them from their destiny.

Paul warns us against these wolves!
Colossians 2v18: Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind.
Shalom! be bless, Hawa Maiga

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