lundi 27 juillet 2015

The true Massiah Jesus-Christ (Yeshoua) and the false messiah (Yeshoua)!

The true Messiah Jesus (Yeshua) is the one which corresponds to scriptures from Genesis to the Apocalypse, this Messiah came in the first place to give himself in sacrifice for all humanity is to say, people of all languages and skin colors, the true Messiah accepts that non Hebrews call him by their language and accent this is why He answers when we call Him  "Jesus Christ" or Yesus Christo etc, for He is God and God is Spirit, not a language. God is the creator of all those who speak Hebrew and those who do not speak Hebrew!
The true Messiah understands all languages of the earth for it is He who confused the language of men and dispersed them the entire surface of the earth, it's Him who distributed all these languages to His creatures.
The followers of the true Messiah called "brothers", all those who have the same faith as them, without distinction of race of language and culture because the true Messiah is universal, He is not locked into a religion nor into a human tradition.

The False Messiah Yeshua copy a lot about the true, his followers hate Christians because the false messiah is limited to Hebrew, you can not call him with another pronunciation, it is obligatory to call him in Hebrew (Yeshua), and talk Hebrew to understand the scriptures, his disciples are hypocrites because they accept the word "Jew" which is a English translation Yehudim in Hebrew, they also accept the translation of the Hebrew names in English, French and others, but they refuse that the name of their messiah to be translated into another language, they say to call him "Yeshua HaMachiah" otherwise he's not their messiah.
The followers of the false messiah often harass the Christians, accusing them of worshiping a Greco-Roman god, they thereby demonstrate that they are racist and ignorant of God's plan for humanity. "Jesus Christ" is a name that bothers followers of the false messiah.
If you want to know the followers of the false messiah, look among the Messianic they hide among them. But fortunately there are real Messianic who know that Yeshua is Jesus also, and the true Messianic do not hate Christians, because what is Spirit is spirit and what is of the flesh is flesh. God is Spirit and they that worship him in spirit and in truth and not in Hebrew!
The False Messiah is expected by people who do not accept the Name that is above every Name, that is to say, Jesus Christ. The followers of the false messiah use the name "Yeshua" which means "savior" to entice many people to prepare them to accept the false messiah, the true Christians and Messianic await the Savior called "Yeshua" and also "Jesus Christ", but the false one, includes only Hebrew and hates Christians.
the followers of the false messiah talk about a "ruach hakodesh" which means "Holy Spirit," but what kind Holy Spirit they talking about if they do not preach like Jesus and His apostles and do not call people to repentance and salvation by faith in Jesus Christ, the only Way, the Truth and the Life?
John 16v13-15:   Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.  He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you. 15 All things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you.
 NB: the followers of the true Messiah are illuminated by the Holy Spirit that it is question from Genesis to the Apocalypse, their works correspond to the works of Jesus and His apostles, and they glorify their Lord Jesus Christ.

Beloved if you know a believer who says that Jesus Christ is a Greco-Roman god, know that it awaits the false messiah, try to enlighten him with the Word of God, but if he insists in his way and said that it is you who are wrong, understand that it is rather he who gone astray. LET US HAVE DISCERNMENT FOR THERE IS MANY DECEIVERS WHO SEDUCE WEB PEOPLE WITH THE NAME "YESHUA, YAHUSHUA, YEHOSHUA" ETC. BUT IT IS BY HIS  FRUITS THAT WE RECOGNIZES THE TREE.
Shalom! with love, Hawa Esther Maiga

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