mercredi 28 octobre 2015

Don't be afraid of change!

It's amazing how when God wants to move us and take us to a other dimension of our faith, we are reticent we oppose sometimes or we are afraid. But with God we are supposed to go from glory to glory, but some of us like to stayed where they are, in their ways and this for years, and after they are frustrated to see how those who just come to convert, moves forward and grows in the things of God.
Beloved, if you do not change your habits, you'll go backward instead of forward. Some servants of God know they are not yet fully entered into their ministry, they preach, they do everything, but they feels frustation inside them, it's because they have not understood that with God it is growth and not decline. If we are afraid of upheaval in our lives, we will never grow up, for God upsets everything sometimes to take us to another spiritual dimension, but those who refuse or do not understand this spiritual reality, are often frustrated, because they realize that they are empty, and they are less powerful than they were.

But the good news is that when you feel you stagnate, know that it's time to move on to another dimension and God will challenge you with situations that frustrate you every time, and you will not understand what happens to you, while you live in sanctification, you obey the word of God, etc., but you are suffering, deep inside you, you have a feeling of unfulfillment that saddens you.
It's just like you when driving a car, you start with the first speed, and if you do not pass the second speed, your motor will make you feel it, and at another time you must go to the third, but if you insist to stay in the second while you want to go faster, your motor will make you feel it, so on.

A few years ago, I had a vision in which I was driving a car, but I was driving very badly, and a hand took the wheel of the car, and the car began to roll well, but I ripped the steering wheel from this hand, and the car started again to roll badly under my direction, but this hand was still there and waiting for me to give it the steering wheel of my car,  and seeing that I could not move and that I risked to do an accident, I was obliged to give my steering wheel to this hand and I left my seat and this hand led me without problems.
The Lord told me through this vision that I had to let Him to drive me.

In another vision, the Lord was driving me, and I was sitting next to Him, but I started to tell Him where we must to go, where He must turn etc, lol! He looked at me smiling, and I understood that it is Him the Master and not me, but His smile so touched me that I was ashamed of myself, and when I woke up, I said "wow", I came to realize that I wanted to direct Jesus, what audacity! but He is really love, because He looked at me, smiling with love. He is a holiness and sweetness that one can not imagined.

Prayer to do in this case is still and always has been, "Father thy will be done."

And when we leave everything in the hands of the Divine Shepherd, He will make us lie down in green pastures, He will lead us beside the still waters, He will restore our souls, He will lead us in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake, and when we will walk in the shadow of the valley of death, we will no longer fear anything ... Psalm 23!
Be blessed beloved in the Lord Jesus Christ!


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