lundi 27 juillet 2015

The circumcision of the heart

Circumcision of the heart is an operation without anesthesia (general nor local), we feel very Well the pain when the surgeon Divine , cutting the heart with His knife, and He begins to remove all impurities, debauchery, fornication, addiction to alcohol and tobacco, wickedness, racism, xenophobia, hatred, our principles, our wisdom, intelligence, our personal ambitions , our knowledge, covetousness, our traditions that leads us away from other peoples, our preferences etc.
The operation is done in the desert in terrible heat, where you scream and nobody hears you, you talk and no one to listen to you, you see your blood spurt out, you feel like you're gonna die, as the pain is unbearable, but you are kept alive, because the surgeon Divine is a perfectionist, He will occasionally blow a little wind to ease your pain a little, but He will not stop to operate, but you have the choice between letting Him continue the operation, or tell Him to stop, because He does not force anyone.
Believe me, after this, you get a new heart filled with love, fear of Lord, purity, you will be completely emptied of everything that does not honor God, and it is in this time that you will be born of Spirit, because the Spirit of God will fill you with His presence and His power, you begin to taste the heavenly things, you can now speak with God, you can see Him,and testify that God is alive.
Jer 31v33: But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.

God bless you.
Hawa Esther Maiga

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