mardi 2 juin 2015

Why does God forbid speaking to the dead?

God forbids to question or talk to the dead (Deuteronomy 18v11)
God forbids us it because the dead do not come back to speak to the living, these are the demons who use their face to manifest, beloved, the Lord proved me in a vision. A few years ago when the Lord told me to leave my church to serve Him on the net, He told me to follow the teachings of His servant that I did not know,(a true servant of God who teaches as the apostles of Jésus Christ and the gifts of the Spirit manifest in his ministry), but He showed me the face of that servant in vision, and when I decided to follow him on the net, I had a vision in which I moved towards this man of God and suddenly a woman came before me, telling me not to follow this man, she begged me not to follow him, and this woman had the face and body of my departed mother, I assure you that I had started to believe what she was saying because I thought that's was my mother who spoke to me, but when I told her saying that I would follow this man of God because it is God's will, the face of the woman turned into a big dog and began to pounce on me with a big anger, and I shouted in saying: I will follow this man in the name of Jesus Christ! go away from me! and suddenly the animal escaped, and I continued to advance towards the servant of God without fear, and I woke up. 

It is from this experience that I understood why God forbidden to have communion with the dead, for Satan uses their appearance, order to deceive many people, the Bible says that Satan masquerades as an angel of light, so pay ATTENTION! to you who believe in everything! when a person dies, it is going to rest with the Father in heaven (paradise) or hell await the final judgment.

The Lord put me in heart to share with you this experience so that you understand that the word of YHWH is truth.
I have yet many things to say about it, but I would say when the Lord will allow me to say it.

Hawa Esther Maiga, with love!

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