jeudi 1 mai 2014

My Jewish Israelite roots

In 2012, the Lord spoke to me in a vision He said: YOU ARE A JEWISH, and when I woke up, I thought that He had told me that I am a good Christian, I was very glad I blessed the Lord for the compliments, but a few days later, the Lord said to me in my heart: do research on the origins of your parents, I assure you I was far from to imagine that I was going to discover, this is how I started to make inquiries near some Jewish friends and they told me that the Krou group ethnic  (my mother's side, Dida and Bete) had origins Israelites
but there was no written evidence somewhere, and the Lord said to me: looking to the side of your father,
I confess that I doubted I have say: not the Maiga, because they are Songhai (my father is Metis Songhai and Baoule and his mother a descendant of Poku therefore, Ashanti) and I knew that my ancestor came from Yemen, but I obeyed and I went to on google, I had the confirmation that my ancestor came from Yemen and that he was a Jew who had fled the Arab persecution to seek refuge in West Africa with his brother,
and I discovered that the kingdom of Gao became the Songhai empire was founded by him, his name was Zuwa Zia, Ziah, Dia, Hebrew name meaning trembling or shaking (according to a documenthis name is also Tara, Tera Ben Haroun) and all the kings who succeeded him were all his descendants (Dia dynasty and Sonni) the first Sonni was called Sonni Ali Kolon or Kolen (Kohen?), his descendant, Sonni Ali Ber, Sonni in Hebrew wrote "Shuwniy or Shuni" means: Fortunate, someone influential, Ali = Eliy means "elevated ascent" and Ber = Beriy which means "man of elite" that is why Sonni Ali Ber was called" Sonni Ali the Great". And so I inquired of a person who had the same surname as me to know its meaning, this person told me that Maiga, Mayga means: "invincible power" but there are was no link with the Hebrew, I prayed and asked the Lord to enlighten me on my name, and while I slept I heard: Morgan, Morgan, Morgan! in answer to my prayer, I go on google and finds the name Morgan but it is an origin Celtic name, and I doubted, I continued to search and a few weeks later I discovered a video that discusses the origins of the Celts, and it was a rabbi who was speaking he even has a website, and its mission is to find the lost tribes of Israel, this rabbi said that the Celts are Israelites, and after several searches, the word of God has been confirmed, thus my real name is Morgan it has had to be deformed as many of other names by the influance Arabic because of the Islamization of this zone of Africa, and when I searched for the meaning of Morgan, I had almost the same answer that the person had given me, thus Morgan means "great defender", "great and brilliant" or "powerful invaincible", "power" is related to the water as Maï or May, Mayim = water in Hebrew. Morgan, Mor = Sea in Celts. "The story goes that my ancestor had defeated a great fish monster that was in the Niger River, this is why le peuple had given him kingship over Songhay people"

Following are excerpts from documents on the origins of my paternal ancestors:

According to records such as the Tarikh al-Sudan, the first recorded Jewish presence may have emerged in West Africa with the arrival of the first Zuwa ruler of Koukiya and his brother, located near the Niger River. He was known only as Zuwa Alayman (meaning “He comes from Yemen”). Some local legends state that Zuwa Alayman was a member of one of the Jewish communities that were either transported or voluntarily moved from Yemen by the Ethiopians in the 6th century C.E. after the defeat of Dhu Nuwas. The Tarikh al-Sudan, states that there were 14 Zuwa rulers of Kukiya after Zuwa Alyaman before the rise of Islam in the region.(

Black Jews were fully integrated and achieved pre-eminence in many West African kingdoms. For instance Jews were believed to have settled in great West African empires such as Songhai, Mali, Ghana and Kanem-Bornu empires. According to numerous accounts of contemporary visitors to the region several rulers, and administrators of the Songhai empire were of Jewish origins until Askia Muhammad came to power in 1492 and decreed that all Jews either convert to Islam or leave the region. See Ismael Diadie Haidara, “Les Juifs a` Timbouctou”, Recueil de
sources relatives au commerce juif a Timbouctou au XIXe siecle, Editions Donniya, Bamako, 1999.

My ancestor was a high priest his descendents are Sohanti, an subgroup of Songhai they practice
The Sohanti are a people of West Africa, now in Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Benin. This is a subgroup of Songhai, consisting essentially of shamans. Protectors of the Songhai society, their status is different in different regions. In the department of Tera, Niger, they are the priests and soothsayers of village chiefs. They practice circumcision of children (or Gunu wanzam called bessagunu Gaya). They are feared for their mystical and religious knowledge, like other magicians Songhay society such gaw (hunters) or Sorko (fishermen).
Les descendants directs de Sonni Ali (les Sohance, dont P. Stoller [1987, 19891 et J. Rouch [I9601 décrivent les pouvoirs magico-reli- gieux)

The Israelites have preserved some biblical practices despite their conversion to other religions, even if they no longer serve their true God ADONAI ELOHIM, some traditions remain, for example the feast of firstfruits, when a man dies, his nearest Parent marries his widow, etc. (I continue my research in order to complete this document)

My mother comes from the Kru people (Dida and Bete)
I discovered during my first researches that the Kru came from the Ijaw people, Ijo or Izon of Nigeria in the Niger Delta, it is thus that I directed my researches towards the origins of the Ijaws and my investigations, always drive me in northern Israel, the Patriarch of the Kru, is calling Kuru, and his ancestor was called Ijo, Ijaws, Izon, Ijon in Hébeux this gives "Iyon" (in Hebrew Y = J), and there are a city in northern Israel into the territory of Naphtali named "Iyon "in the Bible it is written "Ijon" you can check it on the old plan of Israel 2Chr16v4: And Benhadad hearkened unto king Asa, and sent the captains of his armies against the cities of Israel; and they smote "Ijon", and Dan, and Abelmaim, and all the store cities of Naphtali.
Most of the Israelites used the name of their cities where they lived before their dispersion as the Ashanti who come from Ashan (1Chr6v44)

Here is some information I received from a Jewish man who also did research on the lost tribes of Israel:

The Ijaw are counted among the true Biafrans who settled along the Imo river and down in the most southeastern part of Nigeria. These tribes have declared that they are the true Biafrans(Ephraimites). In the Ekpe society the highest symbol of authority was the EFFRIGI FAN. EFFRIGI initially referred to Ephraim:Below is a posting that distinguishes the true Biafrans of the South from the IgboSome people claim that Igbos are not Biafran. They say that the genuine Biafran inhabit Bayelsa, Rivers, Akwa Ibom and Cross River States; in other words, the genuine Biafrans are the native of Eastern Niger Delta. Igbos are not native to Eastern Niger Delta, Igbos are not genuine Biafrans;

We now have two research findings that confirm the Israelites roots of the Kru, 

In the Kru tradition, a woman who has her menses is unclean until the end of her menstrus,
when she gives birth, she has an impurity time before returning to her husband,
when a man dies, his nearest Parent marries his widow,
they practices circumcision of their sons, they have a day off , there are many things that are lost due to their different displacement, they were fleeing forced Islamization and also to be taken as slave, those who had no chance were sold as slaves, they took refuge in the forests and others in the mountains (I continue my research)
There currently Hebrews paronyms such as Zion, Zadi (Zabdi), Danon, Zahui, Dray, Dion, dihi, Didi, Dehe, Bohui, Bowi, Kassis, kessis, Kassabi, Kakou, Kalou, Ahoua, Zagadou (Zagdoun) Zaki, Ziki, Ziri, Zacri, Zakara (Zakari) Guigui, Koré, Yohouda, Yohou, etc. the list is long lmost!

John 10v27: My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
Jer 32v37: Behold, I will gather them out of all countries, whither I have driven them in mine anger, and in my fury, and in great wrath; and I will bring them again unto this place, and I will cause them to dwell safely:
Ezek 36v24-25:  For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land.
Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you.

 when the Lord revealed to me my Jewish origins, for a time I believed that my ancestors were Jewish according to Judaism, so I was Jewish according to Judaism, but I had some doubts about it subject, it is then that the Lord answered me in a vision, he bring me in spirit to Jerusalem on a square in front of the wailing Wall, strangely, there was anyone there, or even who prayed on the wall, and I saw a very
big bus parked, and the Lord standing before this bus and there were few person who walked and the Lord called each one "Israelite" and they answered "yes" and He directed them to the bus and they went on that bus, it's like if He made a selection, and come to me, He also called me "Israelite" and I answered like the others, and He held my hand and ascended with me in the bus and the bus is closed, and He went to sit next to the driver, but the bus driver was invisible, it is as if He was in the driver or was Himself the driver, it's was very impressive what I saw, the bus was very large,but there were very few people there were many empty seats, and I woke up. Those who have the gift of interpreting dreams and visions, understand this message, I will say no more, but what I can say is that the Lord told me that I'm Jewish Israelite of the house of Judah as there are two houses spoken of in the scriptures, the house of Judah and house of Israel or Ephraim, so I'm not Jewish according to Judaism. YHWH is always in accordance with the scriptures, when He reveals the Jewish identity of a person, He speaks of his membership in one of the Israelite tribes of Judah, He does not speak of Judaism, because everyone can embraced this religion and to become Jewish, but not Isarélite, for God has a covenant with the descendants of Jacob (blood, DNA), I'm not saying that all those who are in Judaism are not Israelites, there are Israelites and non-Israelites. Unfortunately many people who had received the Lord Yeshua (Jesus) in their lives and who were delivered and purified as soon as these people learn they are Jewish origin, these people give up faith in Jesus and go in the Talmudic judaüsme for supposedly comply with their traditions, and in the end, these people begin to hate Christians and no longer support the gospel that saved them, I also nearly to make this mistake when I wanted to get closer to the traditions of my fathers, but I understood that they too needed to be saved, as the Apostle Paul and all the early Christians, who were all Israelites Jews who chose to follow their Messiah abandoning their traditions, I blessed the Lord for allowing me to preserve, but how many people seek the truth ???

Hawa Esther Maiga.

12 commentaires:

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  2. Je ne sais pas très bien l'anglais, mais ce que je sais c'est que, quand Yeshoua le Fils du Dieu d’Israël se révèle dans un cœur- et Juif par-dessus le marché- alors il y a une immense joie dans le ciel ! les Anges entonnes des hymnes de louanges et de gloire,.... et les forces du mal reculent.
    Shalom , ma sœur Esther

    1. Shalom Esther.
      Je tiens a te dire qu'en fait, tous les peuples présents du Senegal au Mozambique sont israelites. Comment le prouver? Lis Deuteronome 28, surtout les versets 45-46. Seul les enfants d'Israel subissent toutes ces maledictions sans en exclure aucune. Voici une autre preuve scientifique:
      Lis surtout le troisieme paragraphe sous le titre 'Discussion'.
      En fait les Igbos du Nigeria et les Maliens sont assurement des juifs du royaume de Juda. Mais le reste viennent du royaume d'Israel (du Nord).

    2. Shalom Gerald. Le l'empire Songhai a été fondé par des Judéens(Juifs) Israélites, l'Afrique est l'endroit où on trouve plus de Judéens avant et après la destruction du premier et du deuxième temple de Jérusalem. Plusieurs autres tribus Ouest-Africaines viennent de Juda passant par l'Ethiopie et l'Egypte,ils sont aussi un peu partout sur le continent, mais la majorité des tribus du Nord d'Israël est beaucoup plus dans les pays Arabes, Européens et l'Asie. Lors de la première dispersion, les tribus du Nord sont allées en Assyrie et dans les à l'entours.

  3. Je confirme tes dits ma sœur, je suis bété de Gagnoa de la tribu Zedia,nous descendants d'anciens hébreux, sont parents au Ijaws du Biafra, et j'ai reçu en songe un message me disant que je suis d'Israël, mais je n'arrivais pas à croire....mais quand j'ai su aussi que les Adjoukrou sont aussi krou et qu'ils ont des noms hébreux là. J'ai commencé à croire....les noms comme Yael mél lael

  4. Danon alia abihou zehi zabou yohou yohouda gadji gadi barouh beno dalia mahi sia zabbaï abié yaï zekahi zabia yeddo gama gabba zehia Zedia zadi zahui tous ces noms d'origine sémite hors bété. ...nous sommes issu de la maison d'Israël

    1. C'est exacte, SergeNadji! les Krou sont des Israélites, il y a même de l'Hébreu dans notre ethnie, j'ai répertorié quelques mots Hébreux qu'on utilise avec les mêmes significations, quand j'aurai le temps, je compléterais l'article, il n'y a aucun doute, nous sommes les descendants physique de Jacob (Israel). Sois béni frère!

    2. En tout cas ma sœur je suis heureux de savoir que je ne me trompais veux apprendre aussi avec toi sur ces connaissances et aussi partager mon savoir sur notre tribu bété et ses liens avec Israël....

    3. Tu peux entrer en contact avec moi sur faceboob:

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