lundi 8 décembre 2014

Hanukkah Jewish holiday (rabbinic)

חנוכה Hanukkah 2014, 5775 year of rabbinical calendar
is not disclosed because:

חנוכה Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday (rabbinic) contrary to the Torah.
For God did not ask.

Hanukkah is also written with or without a capital at the beginning: Hanukkah, Chanukah, Hanukkah, Chanukah, Hanukkah Hanukkah Hannouccah, Hanukkah, Hanuka, Hanukka, etc. This is the same Jewish holiday (not Jewish)

Recent additions to page: December 8th, 2014

To understand the following, you should know that Judaism is not the religion of Israel, but the claims.

Summary of the study
Words of Moses
Hanukkah in summary
Hanukkah, learn more
Would have appeared when the festival of Hanukkah  ?
Chanukah today
Hanukkah, finally

Lyrics משה Moses
דברים , Deuteronomy, IV, 2
Before dying, he made these recommendations to Israel:

לא תספו על הדבר אשר אנכי מצוה אתכם
ולא תגרעו ממנו
לשמר את מצות יהוה אלהיכם אשר אנכי מצוה אתכם
"Do not add anything to what I command you and do not remove, to keep (intact) the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you. "

Hanukkah in summary
→ The name of this holiday is commonly translated as "opening". However, the term "opening" is badly chosen. Because it comes from the Latin "inauguratio" which means "take omens." The "omens" were foolish attempts to determining the future (divination), omens which the Romans indulged themselves (and other nations as well).
Instead of "opening" חנוכה Hanukkah translates best as "consecration" (referring, among other examples, verses Numbers, VII, 10-11, "consecration of the altar" in this example).

→ In the case of the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah, it would be more of a purification and restoration of the Temple of Jerusalem, but not an "opening" or a "consecration" (because the Temple had already "spent").

→ The Hebrew root component name would ח נ כ .

The feast of חנכה "Hanukkah" is not from the Torah, or the divine. It was established in Rabbinic Judaism in memory of a miracle that there were as Judea was under the domination of Seleucid Syrian legions, 165 years before the Christian era.
(Seleucids: Hellenistic dynasty that ruled from 312-64 BCE His empire stretched from the Indus to the Mediterranean, before declining to Syria.).
A military victory of the Maccabees helped deliver Jerusalem and purify the Temple of idolatry and Hellenism.
(The Maccabees are part of a Jewish family who founded the dynasty of חשמונאים Hasmoneans who ruled over Judea). (The spellings vary French and Hebrew, using: Maccabees Maccabees, Maccabees, and Hebrew מכבים and מקבים ). The two terms מכבים Maccabees and חשמונאים Hasmoneans employed about Jewish victors.
According to what is reported by Judaism, a vial of oil would have been found that can feed the Menorah (candelabrum largest oil the Temple of Jerusalem). This oil, barely enough for one day, would have burned for eight days. This eight-day would be the miracle. This period would allow the production of a new consecrated oil.
This is what the rabbinic festival commemorates "Hanukkah" and eight lights.
However, was it as long as eight days to pick and press olives?
This question is not the only one, and other observations should be noted.

This box is from a message to the group Elisrael
(Group israélistes and supporters, December 2011) :

Dear friends, shalom.

I remind you that Hanukkah is a celebration not requested by the Torah, and, by this, deviates from the Torah. Because the Torah (Pentateuch) request not add anything or subtract anything to him, in order to maintain without transforming.
Hanukkah is a Jewish rabbinical festival, and I would like to explain to the Jews that their religion misleads over twenty centuries.
... / ...dropoff Window
It is possible to doubt a miracle in times of foreign occupation (Seleucid). For this reason, the occupation, says the LORD had turned away from Israel became unfaithful to the Torah. Therefore, it is difficult to think that there were "abandoned" by the Lord, but miracle same time. These are two opposing ideas. This contradiction is however alleged by Judaism.
Hanukkah is a celebration for the origin dubious and certainly not to celebrate because it does not conform to the Torah by adding to it.

Let us be faithful to the Lord and Tora! Thus our messianic hopes could be fulfilled.
No messiah will never come in Judaism, a deviated religion of the Torah.

Cordial shalom,
Hervé Taieb

Hanukkah, learn more
Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday, but a Jewish holiday, a rabbinical party. The Torah knows no rabbi. She never established. The rabbis are "guides" self-appointed spiritual.
Hanukkah is contrary to the latest recommendations of Moses (cf. verse above) .
Moreover, Judaism, which is a rabbinic religion is full of myths, tales and legends. If we take the example of "midrashim" (stories of the Midrash, which do not come from the Torah, but are rabbinic), it is known by the "rabbinical scholars" that these stories are false. The "events" reported by the Midrash did not exist. The "rabbinical scholars" know and admit sometimes easily. In addition, some "midrashim" contradict each other.

According to sources, rabbinic, the festival of "Hanukkah" was placed 25th of "k Islev "(9th month) because the termination כה "ka" in Hebrew gives the number 25.
The name given to this party then would come from the existing root in the Torah, the Bible in general (root ח נ כ giving a noun and a verb).
In this case, the party would have been named חנוכה "Hanukkah" and the ending "ka" was used to set a date (festive beginning).
It would be an arbitrary choice, unrelated events nor their own date.
In summary, in this version the end of the word חנוכה "Hanukkah" would have given the date (festive beginning).

According to other sources, rabbinic again, the festival of "Hanukkah", also called "festival of lights", was placed 25th of the month because the Hebrew word אור "hor" "light" is the 25th word of the Torah .dropoff window
The name "festival of lights" is given because the Jewish ritual (rabbinic) made light of oil lamps. Candles are also used (and electric lighting too, sometimes), but Judaism prefers oil, and the most legalistic Jews say that it takes the olive oil exclusively.
In this version yet, the name given to this festival comes from the root and terms known in the Bible. The party was called "Hanukkah" and "festival of lights". The latter term was then used to set a date (festive beginning).
Here again, this is an arbitrary choice would unrelated events nor their own date (since, as a reminder, אור "hor" "light," the 25th word of the Torah, have positioned the party at 25 months) .dropoff window
It would be an amalgam of events, "light", another name for Hanukkah ("festival of lights"), and the position of the word "light" in the Torah, which would set the date (party early ) .dropoff window This convoluted mix is ​​based on the Jewish ritual.
In this second version, it would be the Jewish ritual (Rabbinical invention) and tangled amalgam which would have given the start date of Hanukkah.

According to a third version or interpretation always rabbinic, the name of the party, such as date, would not come to חנוכה "Hanukkah" means "dedication" but the fact that חשמונאים Hasmoneans would have rested from their enemies this day 25. This number is written in Hebrew כה which can be read "ka" (as the termination of "Hanukkah").
The Hanukkah celebration would have been named to use the termination כה "ka", referring to the aftermath of victory, the day of 25. However, in this version the root is no longer the same. It would be another two letters ( ח נ as in the common name מחנה "camp", among other examples). The name of the festival, "Hanukkah" is composed of " חנו "a verb meaning" he rested ", followed by the ending" כה "meaning 25, the day that" they rested from their enemies. "
In this third version, unlike the first, it is the date that would have given the name "Hanukkah" and it would be in relation to the events and their own time (unlike previous versions) .

Would have appeared when the festival of Hanukkah?
The story of the Maccabees (or Hasmoneans, see above), the origin of Hanukkah, not part of the Bible of Judaism ( תנך "Tanah").
The days of the Maccabees would be that of the second century BCE.
The time at which the biblical texts were selected and "canonized" is unclear. It is common to read or hear that כנסת הגדולה "Great Assembly" have compiled and set the Jewish Bible ( תנך "Tanah" or Jewish canon). This compilation was made ​​at the time of עזרא הסופר "Ezra the scribe" (Ezra in French). (The Great Assembly is also called "Great Synod"). However, it is the Jewish oral tradition, rabbinic, who claims that the Jewish Bible would be the time, and this is also the Jewish oral tradition which claims that it would have not been changed since.
According to this version, Jewish, rabbinic, this compilation (Jewish Bible) would have been made three or four centuries before the Christian era (from 410-310 BCE). That would be why it is celebrated during Hanukkah is not in this compilation (rewording: the Jewish Bible was compiled and fixed before what is celebrated according to the explanation of Judaism).
Unfortunately, these data do not check or historically or on the biblical plan. For, according to historical sources, the Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed in the year 597 BCE. This approximation is little debate is not contradicted. The Babylonian exile would have started at that time, and, according to the Bible, this exile lasted seventy years (Jeremiah XXV, 11-12; XXIX, 10; Daniel IX, 2). The return to Jerusalem under the leadership of the scribe Ezra עזרא הסופר , would then have been about the year 527 BCE (calculated: 597 year beginning in exile - 70 years of exile year = 527).
The year 527 is not the time for an alleged compiled by the Great Assembly (between 410 and 310 BCE, see above). The return of exiles had begun more than a century before the start of the Great Assembly.
According to other sources (academics, encyclopedic), Ezra would have brought back the exiled Judeans in Jerusalem in 459 BCE, which does not match, either, to the alleged time for the Great Assembly. This year 459 not more consistent with historical data that are based on the main basis of calculation, in the year 597 (destruction of the Temple and the beginning of exile), which is the most solid foundation and least controversial.

→ Only the Jewish oral tradition, rabbinic, claims that his Bible was compiled and attached to such a distant time. The choice of component Judaic Bible texts would have been done many times. It is hard to believe that the Great Assembly would still fixed, and that this Bible would not have evolved. For its gun would not have been accepted by all, including written about so-called "deuterocanonical" (that is, those of Deuteronomy, the fifth book of the Torah or Pentateuch). But these are written today in the Jewish Bible.
The Jewish Bible may have been completed around the first century of the Christian era, or even more recently. The presence of the Book of Esther in the Bible allows suppose. This period corresponds to that of the Mishnah (Rabbinical writings), completed in the second century of the Christian era.

→ In the case of the Great Assembly guides and scribes (the "rabbis" did not yet exist) that formed the Bible or the beginning of the Jewish Bible could have known the future history of the Maccabees.
If it is accepted that the Bible has evolved to the first century of the Christian era, the case of Hanukkah would be that of a history and a past known time. The rabbinical groups (the "rabbis" existed) would have then considered the four books of the Maccabees as "apocryphal" (etymologically, the word "apocryphal" means "secret"). The texts called "Apocrypha" are not necessarily "undisclosed" but are not selected texts to be part of the Bible, and only left out on the margins of the latter.

Obvious seems necessary: ​​the rabbinic festive "Hanukkah" relatively "recent", later in the selection of the Jewish Bible written component. For the Jewish Bible has no text on "Hanukkah."
The appearance of this festival is after the compilation of the main foundation of the writings of Judaism ( תנך "Tanah" ). If the existence of this festival had preceded them, they would not have been omitted or rule out the story of the Maccabees, the story of an important holiday in Judaism in which there would have been a miracle.
It is difficult to say when the feast of "Hanukkah" appeared, but it could have started at the time of the "Mishna", the wording would have extended to the second century of the Christian era, when born , was structured and spread Christianity.
The attachment of the foundation of Judaism would be written later to another exile the people of Israel, that began after the Roman conquest, there are about 2000 years (see above, about the Mishna: Rabbinic writings and the selection of biblical texts have evolved until the second century of the Christian era).
According to some, the Jewish Bible could have evolved to the Middle Ages until the time of רבי שלמה בן יצחק הצרפתי (pronounced "Rabbi Shlomo ben Ytshak atsarfati", ie "son of Rabbi Solomon Isaac French ", 1040-1105 Troyes, France). This character of Judaism is known to רשי "Rashi" name composed of some of the first letters. It is known for being a commentator, and a large and influential rabbinical authority of the Middle Ages, but not to have played a role in the compilation of the Jewish Bible. The assumption that the Jewish Bible would have evolved to the Middle Ages has yet been validated.

Continuing the reflection, the question then comes inevitably to mind (at least mine): "Hanukkah" would have it established by Judaism Jews to provide a substitute for Christmas celebrated in the same period?
Christmas is a celebration that was intentionally placed towards the winter solstice to provide a substitute for Christian pagan festivals that were celebrated at this time of the year. The rabbis would they have used the same method to strengthen Jewish identity, to avoid that the Jews in exile celebrate Christmas?
If this is the case, more or less, it is not acceptable to have added or invented, party or "celebration" to substitute for another.
These questions and answers are possible without certainty, but they can not be ruled out, waiting to be enabled or disabled.
Like the rest of my work, this website will reflect any element that can respond.

Chanukah today
Hanukkah and Christmas holidays are both distinguished and confused. If Christians are largely unaware of the festival of Hanukkah, many Jews in the world are not to be distinguished from the Christian celebrations. Because, to recap, the two holidays are celebrated around the same time of year, sometimes in the same month (depending on the year, as the Jewish calendars and "secular" are different). For example, in recent decades, it has become common in the Jewish world to deliver toys to children during Hanukkah, as do Christians for Christmas.
In words and Jewish minds is a distinction: "We are not Christians." But in fact, Jews behave as do Christians at Christmas.
Christmas celebrates the birth of a child (Jesus), that is why Christians donates toys to children. But Hanukkah has nothing to do with birth, nor with children. Reminder: this is the commemoration of a military victory, and purification of the Temple of Jerusalem.
The Jews always find a good explanation for the gifts to the children. However, there is no doubt of mimicry. The Jews have not really aware, and this lack of self-understanding is also very regrettable. It is even more so when the Jews are trying to justify their mimicry instead of simply recognizing their derivatives, and correct them.
Examples of mimicry are nevertheless frequent. For example, even the images that circulate today in the Internet and are for the Jews during Hanukkah (and other occasions), are imbued with Christian culture. They may represent a Christmas tree decoration ball, branches or pine needles. These images, however, Jewish, include these symbols such as the red and white colors of the costume of "Father Christmas" (which itself originated and colors of American soda brand, then integrated in Christian usage practiced today).
Of course the word "love" in Hebrew and other languages, is also widely used, and repeated, as does Christianity. Such a hypnotic is irresistible to a huge majority of people, especially after being hammered. This brainwashing to leave only this "love" indecent, and little reason, is called in English "love bombing", literally "love bombing" a term chosen well enough to describe this crude method used by cults to capture followers. As bombs, its power is destructive.
Reduce God only is, as written at the beginning of a sentence, a very simplistic view of God, and therefore offensive.
The list of examples of mimicry could be extended. It is, however, a stop on the last sample. Recently (2014 "secular" calendar, or "civil") a few words in French glorified the Hanukkah celebration talking "holy oil of Hanukkah" (the oil is burned for the "lights of Chanukah" in commemoration of the oil that burned on the Menorah, see above explanation). "Holy oil" is obviously thinking "holy water", as in Christianity, while the French speak of "blessed oil" and "holy water". It was not a lack of French, but undoubtedly mimicry taking the Christian expression "holy water" to make adaptation "holy oil".
Mimicry is also undeniable that regrettable.
If not the Jewish mimicry, it sometimes also a fusion will with Christianity. However, some religious groups, minority advocate indeed this position between the two religions, claiming to be both at the same time, an unlikely position impossible, contradictory, yet claiming that these groups.

Hanukkah, finally

Besides the historical aspects (above) Hanukkah is primarily a religious holiday. It is in this aspect that must also be considered, and it is necessary to decide. The order given by Moses (not to add or subtract his legacy) was not innocent nor without reason, but visionary (prophetic, Moses was a prophet). He was ahead of the risk guess is, if already known, transformations that could happen (new contributions and withdrawals, as well as the commands precepts, laws, principles, etc., and of course, the established parties). Hanukkah has exactly this aspect: it is an important contribution, a celebration, including "laws" for and with a ritual (invented, not ordained by God): olive oil, "chanukiah" (candelabra Oil at nine branches), the position of this "chanukiah" in relation to the front door of the Jewish home, from the window, etc.
Hanukkah is a religious holiday that totally violates this prohibition that requires "nothing to add" to the laws established by the Lord, through the voice of Moses.

Certainly, Judaism as a whole and individually Jews still argue that there was a miracle, it is a commemoration of historical fact, and that victory was delivered by God, etc. But this argument is questionable (see above). Even assuming that these facts took place, although they both history, and thank God, we do not thank Him by substituting for inventing an additional party. Also, why have done, and religiously, for the event (if indeed it is a fact history) and not many that have dotted the history of the people of Israel? And why have done for a military victory? Other commemorative days exist without coating a religious and as codified as Hanukkah.

In summary:
Judaism, Jews (with all due respect to individuals) believe demonstrate their loyalty or attachment to God still celebrating this festival. But celebrate "Hanukkah" is doing the opposite. Because, God, speaking through Moses, asked not to do so.
The irrationality and Rabbinic Judaism are opposed to the Torah. Recall the words of Moses, דברים , Deuteronomy, IV, 2:
לא תספו על הדבר אשר אנכי מצוה אתכם
ולא תגרעו ממנו
לשמר את מצות יהוה אלהיכם אשר אנכי מצוה אתכם
"Do not add anything to what I command you and do not remove, to keep (intact) the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you. "
These words are clear. There are understandable by all.
It is obvious that adding holidays (Hanukkah in this case) and commands, it (this commandment) is actually cut off, as if it no longer existed. It is destroyed.
It is clear that adding and subtracting, everything is transformed , nothing remains, nothing is transmitted as established by Moses on the orders of the Lord.

Only Jews celebrate Hanukkah. This message is thus addressed them:
Have the foresight, courage, will and the strength to not celebrate חנוכה Hanukkah. Come back to God, and he asked, nothing more, nothing less.

Only the feasts which the LORD are set to celebrate, maintain and transmit. If there is something else, that's when the margins, outside the faith of Israel.
Today, unfortunately, the vast majority of Jews is unable to distinguish the true faith of Israel in the imbroglio multiple rabbinical additions and inventions, mixed in addition to traditions, popular beliefs and superstitions (sometimes absorbed by the rabbinate). The rabbis were not good guides. It's time to find out and know.
In another example of the rabbinic unreason, "irrationality" to avoid saying "lies" rabbinical, one can still observe the liturgy introduced by Rabbinism for their festive "Hanukkah." The rabbis are praying their followers by telling them (in Hebrew):
"Blessed are you, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has sanctified us by thy commandments and has commanded us to kindle the lights of Hanukkah."

This rabbinic prayer is a lie.
The Lord did not order anything for "Hanukkah."
The rabbis did, saying that it was the Lord. This is extremely serious.

Jews will celebrate more "Hanukkah." Do not say no more false rabbinic prayer.

Invented, desired, celebrated and defended stubbornly, "Hanukkah" so has everything a golden calf. In this drama actors also said "celebrate the Lord"
(Exodus XXXII, 5 חג ליהוה ).

Be israéliste , faithful to God and the Torah.
Do not let yourself be misled by the Chief Rabbinates more.

Two thousand years of Judaism, about, have brought Israel reverberates with exile, persecution and torment.
When Israel was faithful to the Lord, Israel lives in peace. All the biblical story suggests. If the rabbis were just guides, Israel would live in peace and prosperity.

Other Jewish holiday "off Tora" Purim
Curiously, these two holidays, Hanukkah and Purim, were placed at the periods in which the famous Christmas Christianity and carnivals ( Epiphany to Shrove Tuesday) .

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