mardi 3 janvier 2017

Obama's interference in Ivorian presidential election in 2010

During the Ivorian 2010 elections, there was no doubt that American President Barack Obama and French President Nicolas Sarkozy had their candidate that they wanted at all costs to see as president even at the cost of thousands of human lives .

On the evening of the announcement of provisional results by the President of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), all Ivorians were waiting, he had to give these results before midnight as it should, but at midnight he still had not given the Provisional results, the constitutional council took the file to make checks and give the name of the president-elect. The president of the IEC had no results in his possession, and therefore he had nothing to declare, so he had gone to his house.
The next day, Barack Obama and Nicolas Sarkozy send their ambassadors to seek the president of the IEC, to take him to the headquarters of their candidate Alassane Dramane Ouattara, inviting foreign media (not an Ivorian media), and give him false Results of elections prepared in advance, and he declares Alassane Ouattara winner of the 2010 elections, Ivoireins learn about foreign channels and radios, imagine the shock? And these false results have been certified by the UN representative in Côte d'Ivoire (Mr Choi), then President Sarkozy and Obama with one voice acknowledge these false results before millions of people in the world, !!! THE CÔTE D'IVOIRE IS A SOVEREIGN COUNTRY And therefore the election results according to the law, must be given at the IEC and not elsewhere. In Côte d'Ivoire, only the president of the constitutional council is empowered to give the final results of an election and proclaim the winner, as it is done in any sovereign state in the world. (false results given in the headquarers of Ouattara).

A few days later, the President of the Constitutional Council of Côte d'Ivoire announced the real results and proclaimed Mr Laurent Gbagbo President of Côte d'Ivoire and invested President, with all the investiture ceremony.
But Obama and Sarkozy will not hear this, they have begun a campaign of demonization accusing the president democratically elected and officially invested, of dictator who refuses to recognize the results of the elections and to leave power. President Gbagbo began to face threats and intimidation, so the president-elect (Gbagbo) asked for the recount of votes in order to know the true winner of the 2010 elections in Côte d'Ivoire, but they denied him this right, and sending the French army to overturn him (coup d'etat), Killing thousands of innocents civilians unarmed in order to install their candidate for power,
photo de l'armée française

And jailed the president-elect and his wife, since 2011, Gbagbo was taken captive to the hague and judged for " co-author of crime against humanity", without any evidence against him, so Obama holds Gbagbo Laurent and his minister Charles Blé Goudé in the hague without evidence and Simone Gbagbo the first lady also stays in prison in Cote d'Ivoire and sentenced to 20 years imprisonment accused of complicity with her husband, and several political personalities are imprisoned without trial, and Millions of Ivorians have lost everything and are in exile in other countries, this is "democracy" and "right" according to Mr Obama.

And as these powerful men are above the law and do not fear to be judged by the righteousness of this world, so, the God of the unfortunate without defense has risen to do justice, therefore all those who are involved in the violation Of Côte d'Ivoire's sovereignty, lose the elections and demand the recount of votes, something they had refused to Gbagbo. And God ends their political career and judgment will continue on their lives until they repent and repair the harm done to Laurent Gbagbo.

Mr Barack Obama accuses and sanctions Russia for having interfered in the US presidential elections while his candidate Hillary Clinton was also judged by God, despite her calling for the recount of votes, she lost.
Obama has the power to punish those he accuses, Ivorians do not have that power because they are a people without power, and therefore victims, but there is a righteous judge above every man.

The Lord Jesus Christ had revealed to me a few years ago that He would open the eyes of the Americans to Obama's crimes and that they would abhor him and have a very bad memory of him, and This is what is happening now, and this is just the beginning.

Barack Obama has the blood of the Ivorians on his hands.

I ask all Christians who read this article to pray for the release of President Laurent Gbagbo, his wife Simone Gbagbo, his Minister of Youth Charles Blé Goudé, all the political prisoners and to return without fear of all the exiles . May God bless you for your prayers.

PS: President Gbagbo and his wife are evangelical Christians, as well as several political prisoners and exiles.

May God bless Côte d'Ivoire and restore it, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the defender of the oppressed.

Hawa Esther Maiga.

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