samedi 24 décembre 2016

UN resolution against Israel, God had foreseen everything beforehand.

Israel! Do not worry, for your God foresaw the out of this injustice.
A few months ago the Lord had answered one of my concerns, and I will share it with you and explain it to you.
Message posted in March 2016: Hi beloved!
Here is an answer the Lord gave me on a question I asked him about Israel on Tuesday or Wednesday of this week on 08 or 09/03/2016.
In 2013, the Lord had revealed to me that a foreign army would enter Israel to fight Israel, I remembered this vision, and I asked the Lord to know under what American government this would be, and The Spirit of God answered me and said: "Bernie Sanders" (one of the candidates for the presidential elections in the USA), I realized that this man, despite he claims be a Jew, will not be a blessing for Israel, it is clear that he will continue the politic of his party (the left).
It is therefore clear that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is not in favor of this man, nor the policy of his party concerning Israel.

Why did not Bernie Sanders arrive in the final as a candidate of the left? It is simply because God did not want it because of his plan against Israel, so God allowed Hillary to rob him of the elections in order to put him out of the game, while he could have won against Donald Trump because Hillary supporters would have to support him and make Trump lose.
Why did Hillary lose the election, and it is because she is under God's judgment to have participated in the fall of President Laurent Gbagbo, God wanted to humiliate her as He humiliated several other sponsors and Accomplices of the violation of the sovereignty of the Ivory Coast, and He will continue to humiliate them, and no one will escape, Not even Obama and his allies, unless they all repent and restore the truth they have occulted by polluting the entire world of lies through their media.
The BIble say: Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Isaiah 5v20
So God chose Donald Trump to overthrow the diabolical plan of Obama and his allies against Israel, for God knew that this resolution was going to be passed under the government of Obama (the left), and Bernie Sanders who was going to implement it by forcing Israel to respect it and sending a powerful army to bend Israel and kill hundreds or even thousands of Israelis is now out of game. And so Trump is welcome, glory to God.

This resolution of the UN was the last resort of Obama and his allies, having failed by pressures and threats, supporting the Netanyahu opponents in the elections in Israel in 2015, and planning his assassination before the end of this year. But the God of Israel watched over their failure, glory to YHWH.

Too bad for Obama the first black American president who will remain in the memory of Jews, Americans and many Africans as a villain.


God bless Israel! Hawa Esther Maiga

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