mardi 5 avril 2016

The singer of the Lord

The singer of the Lord is primarily a servant of God who received the talent to sing only for the glory of God, and therefore he is an ambassador of the kingdom of God. The song is not a ministry but a talent which accompanies ministry (apostle, evangelist, pastor, doctor and prophet Eph 4v11-12). The Church of Jesus Christ has been mandated to save lost souls and prepare them for the Lord's return.

The one who received the talent to sing for God must sanctify his mouth, his eyes and his ears, he must be very selective regarding the films he watches, the music he listens to the words out of his mouth and the songs he sings etc. Because if there is the kingdom of God, there is also the kingdom of satan! satan also has his singers inspired by him and who sings as well, and have songs with beautiful lyrics that can shed tears of joy, also give chills to fall into a trance, etc but defiles the soul.
The singers, satan also have a anointing, because many of his artists signed a pact with him to be successful and to get so much money, so their anointing and their inspirations come from hell to bewitch people and attract them to sin and end up in hell.
Unfortunately in the Church of Christ, there are singers who inspired by the world's singers, they sing and dance like them, they want to be like them, that is why the strange fire entered some churches.

The Bible says: Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 1Jn 2v15.
The singer of God must preserve his lips pure whatever where he is, for our God is a jealous God He does not share His glory with another.

When an ambassador of the kingdom of God sings songs of artists dedicated to satan, what kingdom will he rejoice? The kingdom of God or the kingdom of satan?
When you, Christian, you learn, the pagan songs to perfect your voice to sing Christian songs, what kingdom will be rejoice? The kingdom of God or the kingdom of satan? God does not need your beautiful voice, He wants your fear and your sanctification.

There are two kingdoms watching us, therefore, our actions will rejoice the one or the other, but not both at the same time, it will require choose to which kingdom you want make pleasure, because no one can serve two masters both for either he will hate the one and will love the other.

Why blow hot and cold? Why mix the straw with the wheat?

God bless you! Esther Hawa Maiga

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