mardi 27 octobre 2015


The computer is a very important tool today, but if we do not protect it by an effective antivirus, it may be infected with viruses and even with antivirus if we download anything on the Internet, we can nab viruses that may eventually infected our computer, therefore, prevent us from working and cut us off from the rest of the world.
However there are very powerful computers that have no virus problem, but are not infallible, but they are very expensive and everyone can not get them.
We can take the example of the computer with the born again Christian, we are like a computer that needs an antivirus in order not to nab viruses (demons).

We have a shield that is our Holy Savior, whenever we are attacked by demons, our Lord delivers us from danger. The Bible says, Psalm 7v10: My defence is of God, which saveth the upright in heart.
This Antivirus (the Shield) is very powerful and free, but we must walk according to His principles and not download anything (adultery, sexual immorality, impurity, debauchery, idolatry, sorcery , hatred, contentions, jealousies, angers, rivalries, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, etc).
This Antivirus goes into action when we respect His principles, so we must watched over and pray in obedience to our Creator God, if we do not want to be possessed by demons, because it is not because we are born again that we can not nab virus. That is why the Bible says: Eph 4v27: Neither give place to the devil.
So understand that every time we sin, we make helpless our antivirus and we open the door to viruses (demons), and if we do not repent and continue sinning, viruses accumulate and take possession of our body and soul, and antivirus no longer react, because we favored the virus and despised antivirus, and there, the computer dies and is no longer operational, it is intended for destruction and fire. Be vigilant beloved in the Lord Jesus Christ!
Be bless! H.E.Maiga

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