mardi 7 juillet 2015

The price of the Spiritual gifts

You know, spiritual gifts are good for building up the body of Christ, but be aware that there is a price to pay, you will sometimes be treated a liar and a sorcerer, as our Lord Himself was a victim on the part of the Pharisees who said that He had a demon, so it is Biblical to be rejected because of the gifts of the Spirit of God in you, because the darkness can not stand before the light.

I'll give you a testimony of what I myself experienced.
The Lord had sent me in an assembly near to a pastor, and that pastor had something that was not going well, and the Lord showed me his life, I was talking him naturally in order to repent, but this pastor told to everyone that I was a witch and I had an evil spirit, and therefore people believed in what he was saying against me, and one day the Lord told me to leave from his congregation, I did it, and later, pastor call me to threaten me of cursing, but I blessed him, like the word of God tells us to bless those who curse us, and the Spirit of God said to me: I give a few months to this man if he repents not, I will put bare all his actions, I will permit a great scandal and he will be very humiliated, I began to intercede for him, but the Lord told me that it is too late for this man, showing me, how the scandal will be done, with details. A few months later, I met a sister of the Church in the market who told me the scandal  that has had there, and even that the police intervened, it has pass exactly like the Lord had told me (the intervention of the police and other), and I met other members of this church who have confessed to me that this pastor made them believe that I was a witch and now they know the truth.
Joseph was a victim of his gifts, he was rejected and sold into slavery by his brothers. The Lord gave me the grace to tell me things hidden to warn His church, but unfortunately many servants are very proud and they do not listen, some do not even know how to discern the voice of God through a person that's the drama of the present church. You can see a beautiful congregation filled with people praying, singing, dancing and preaching well, but if God opens your spiritual eyes, you will be afraid, because God is no longer in many ministries.
I have other stories on this topic that I will do again if God allows me.
Shalom! with love, Esther Maiga

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