mercredi 17 septembre 2014

Who are chosen and who are not?

Mat 22v14: For many are called, but few are chosen.
So who are chosen and who are not?
An chosen is primarily a called, but all the called are not elected!
The Chosen is a pleasant servant to God, the chosen one does not look to his own interests, but to the interests of God, the chosen one is aware that he can lose salvation if he turn the commandments and principles of God, So he pays attention to all his acts and gestures.
The Chosen can make mistakes, but his strength is that he knows how to recognize the voice of God when He warn him, no matter the means God uses to warn and he will humble himself before God and repent, and receive mercy, and purification of his sins and he will no more return to sins because of the fear of YHWH.
King David was chosen by God, because he had a repentant heart, and he knew humble himself before his God (Ps 51)
Among the disciples of the Lord Yeshua (Jesus) there were the elected and the non-elected while all had received the power to cast out demons and perform miracles they had experienced the power of God, example, Judas Iscariot was one of the 12 disciples of Yeshua, but this man had in him a sin (cupidity) whose he did not want repent, he was very attached to this, and we know the end that he has had, do you think he has entered into the kingdom of God because of the wonders he has made? No! Many people believe that God approves them because they have the anointing, and they are operating healings, deliverances in their ministry, despite they are in sin and in totally unscriptural practices, but what we must realize is that God wants to save the souls and restore broken lives, To do this, He will use His servants while letting them the time to repent, but if they not want repent, the Spirit of God will withdraw from them and this is the spirit of error that will come take possession of them as was the case of King Saul, and Judas Iscariot (Luke 22v3, John 13v2) but unfortunately some do not understand.
Ps 103v8: The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy. Yes! it's true, but this verse does not mean that God not gets angry!
Mat 7v22-23: Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
The non-elect are those who do not have the fear of God and refuse to listen to the warnings of God for their salvation, they will always say that the others judge them and criticize them etc. however it is God who speaks to them so that they turn from their evil paths!
Beloved in the Lord! watch over our salvation and do not rely on our anointing, but on fear of YHWH! it would be unfortunate of having served as God all his life and be rejected and end in hell !!!
Esther Maiga

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